
100 Parents and Child Care Workers Join Town Hall with Chicago City Council Members


Last night, we held a virtual town hall about the child care crisis that brought together child care workers, parents and community supporters from all over Chicago.

Nearly 100 parents, child care workers and community allies participated to share their stories of how they’ve been impacted by the child care crisis when it comes to lack of child care access and low wages in the field. They called on city leaders to make investing in the child care system a priority in the Chicago city budget this year.

We were joined by four of our city Alderpeople who came to hear our stories and to pledge their support to fight with us for a child care system that will allow us to support ourselves and our families. Alderperson Ruth Cruz, Alderperson Desmon Yancy and Alderperson Mike Rodriguez joined and recommitted to fight alongside us to win the funding needed to raise child care center workers’ wages and address the chronic understaffing affecting so many centers across the city.

The town hall was a huge success and proof that our movement to win Child Care For All is growing. But we have to keep the pressure on our elected leaders if we want to make real changes to the childcare system and improve our lives.